08 Juli 2009

amazing brain

For almost every midnight, there's an airplane passing above my roof. I always play a game with my boo named "10 seconds", because our houses are very close, it only needs 10 seconds for the airplane flew from my house to his house. I tell it to my friends, luckily only Mala has the same experience with me. It needs 30-40 seconds for an airplane flying from my house to her house. Today, it happens again. Mala says that she's so afraid if the engine's sounds of the airplane is too noise. We're afraid that the plane is too close from our roof and bad things will happen (air crash). Oh Gosh,, i hope it won't happen AGAIN in everywhere! Mala feels amazed with pilot who can flying the plane and do navigation up in the air. Well, i also think like that, i mean it is tons of kilograms drifting in the air. She keeps asking who is the founder of air navigation. Myself, i don't know the answer. The conversation becomes a scientific conversation. I said to her that God creates us perfectly, we can absorb thousands of data which chains together as information and if you add some meaning to it, it will known as knowledge.

This is our conversation at YM:
music_ismyradar : keren jg ya jadi pilot
music_ismyradar : bisa nyetir pesawat

sitisarah_lspr : iyah
sitisarah_lspr: keren
sitisarah_lspr : di udara cuy,, ga ada landasannya
sitisarah_lspr : gendeng yah kl dipikir2
sitisarah_lspr : pelayar juga,, besi berton2 bisa ngapung di aer
sitisarah_lspr : ediaaaaannn tenan rek

music_ismyradar: iyaahh
music_ismyradar : gw bingung siapa yg nemuin alat navigasinya ya?

sitisarah_lspr : iyah

music_ismyradar : biar kaga nyasar
music_ismyradar : ck ck ck

sitisarah_lspr : giling yah?
sitisarah_lspr: see, otak manusia tuh hebat bgt
sitisarah_lspr : bisa nampung segtu byk ilmu pengetahuan

music_ismyradar : yah itulah yg bedain manusia sama makhluk Tuhan lainnya

She was right, brain is the only thing that can differentiate God's creature than else. So, be happy people, you are lucky created as human being, feel grateful with what you've got use it wisely an responsibly.

1 komentar:

Mallaya mengatakan...

Jarang-jarang ya gw bisa ngmg gitu!
otak gw lagi beres malam itu..