19 Juli 2009

Human Rights? yea yea..

Last Saturday, I have an ethic class with the guest speaker is Mr. Hermien R. Sarengat at Prof. Dr. Djayusman auditorium. She’s the CEO or GE (General Electric) Technology Indonesia. She was talking about the GE’s system, from all the system she told; there is one thing that really makes me love to hear her. She told us that GE never underestimate people, it may even exist when they try to hire an employee. They are not even mention trash like this:

  • Female, single, max 25 years old.
  • Bachelor s1
  • Experienced in Marketing at least 1 year
  • Able to work under pressure, hard worker, aggressive
  • Attractive, Communicative, and good manner
  • Minimum height 165cm

For some point, maybe people think that those requirements are working. But have you ever think before that is it not fair enough for others?

By put female or male requirements, it means that you are already underestimate people which people think that you separated the job desk based on the gender.

By put the age you also close the opportunity for ages above 25 to not have chance to have a job, you never know human’s brain and people’s ability. You cannot measure people maturity based on their age.

Bachelor or education level is quite helpful when you apply for a job. Then again, you cannot guarantee that that person is capable for the job. There are a lot of talented people out there that never experiencing school but they have abilities and skills that can produce something and earn much money.

Your experiences is also needed as an assets for your CV but sometimes what we learn in school is very far from the reality. I always said to my friends; don’t be afraid to try something new because there’s always a first time for everything.

I have no problem with point number four, but they don’t have to put it anyway. People already should know that there is no job without a pain.

Communicative and aggressive are okay with me, because we have to communicate our job nicely and aggressive with your job because it is related to your salary. But attractive and your high? It sounds ridiculous; does a human’s height affect your brain’s work? Huff... how can people live with those stupid rules?

Mrs. Hermien told us that in GE, they hired a man on a wheel chair and he can do his job perfectly (remembering that in GE everything should be following the system). This is what Indonesian people MUST learn, that they cannot alienated people by gender and freakish requirements. Do you realize that woman is a super multitasking creature? Have you ever watch “little people, big world”?


It also happens with my boo’s daughter, she’ll be five in five days. She’s very smart, her teacher told us that she can jump into a bigger class, but then again, Indonesian regulation is very useless and stupid. They made an obligation for kids whose on 6 years old are able to enter the elementary school, beside that, what they do is waiting until next year. How many people born 6 months ahead in one year? Why they should wait until their age is 6 or 6, 5 when they are able to absorb the knowledge that they get? When the children have a good improvement, why the government is on the downgrade? This is getting under control.

11 Juli 2009

Inconsistently Sign

I know some people said that rules are made to breached, but how about this one?

I went to my favorite coffee shop at Fatmawati with my boo. We sat on high chair that I actually not comfort with. I ordered Ice Frappe Caramel and he ordered a hot latte. Before our drinks being sent, there are two guys who had finished their payment and leave the place. We moved to their place which there is two chairs with comfy cushion. We brought books to read, he read Masako that tells about Japanese Princes and I read Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx-Motley Crue. When our drinks arrived, I was laughing. Why? Because they using a glass base with a “non-smoking” picture on it. What a freakish sign.

I mean, we’re both smoking and even all people inside the café were smoking. What happen to this country? I mean is, it’s a contrary things happen here. Or maybe it’s only a joke, to make people aware that smoking is a bad habit in funny ways.

08 Juli 2009

amazing brain

For almost every midnight, there's an airplane passing above my roof. I always play a game with my boo named "10 seconds", because our houses are very close, it only needs 10 seconds for the airplane flew from my house to his house. I tell it to my friends, luckily only Mala has the same experience with me. It needs 30-40 seconds for an airplane flying from my house to her house. Today, it happens again. Mala says that she's so afraid if the engine's sounds of the airplane is too noise. We're afraid that the plane is too close from our roof and bad things will happen (air crash). Oh Gosh,, i hope it won't happen AGAIN in everywhere! Mala feels amazed with pilot who can flying the plane and do navigation up in the air. Well, i also think like that, i mean it is tons of kilograms drifting in the air. She keeps asking who is the founder of air navigation. Myself, i don't know the answer. The conversation becomes a scientific conversation. I said to her that God creates us perfectly, we can absorb thousands of data which chains together as information and if you add some meaning to it, it will known as knowledge.

This is our conversation at YM:
music_ismyradar : keren jg ya jadi pilot
music_ismyradar : bisa nyetir pesawat

sitisarah_lspr : iyah
sitisarah_lspr: keren
sitisarah_lspr : di udara cuy,, ga ada landasannya
sitisarah_lspr : gendeng yah kl dipikir2
sitisarah_lspr : pelayar juga,, besi berton2 bisa ngapung di aer
sitisarah_lspr : ediaaaaannn tenan rek

music_ismyradar: iyaahh
music_ismyradar : gw bingung siapa yg nemuin alat navigasinya ya?

sitisarah_lspr : iyah

music_ismyradar : biar kaga nyasar
music_ismyradar : ck ck ck

sitisarah_lspr : giling yah?
sitisarah_lspr: see, otak manusia tuh hebat bgt
sitisarah_lspr : bisa nampung segtu byk ilmu pengetahuan

music_ismyradar : yah itulah yg bedain manusia sama makhluk Tuhan lainnya

She was right, brain is the only thing that can differentiate God's creature than else. So, be happy people, you are lucky created as human being, feel grateful with what you've got use it wisely an responsibly.

07 Juli 2009

find ur good guy

I woke up at 12.13 today, it was a lazy day. I'm dreamed about kidnapping and runaway, while i was dreaming, someone's voice is humming in my dream. Rite, it was "iyu jamu" who woke me up and saying "dek, jamu ga dek?" Damn!! i cannot sleep again. I turn on the tivo at my ontie's room and watch indonesian movie FTV, i forgot the title. It tells about how hard a guy to explain his feeling to a girl. He needs help from his friend. He practice his speech with his friend (boy) until somebody catch them holding hands together. That's the story begin, he was captured as a gay at campus, short story, there is another guy who likes the girl too. He's the one who's making story about gay things. Before the girl knew, she was upset because she thinks that she's been fooled. Her bestfriend said "maybe u should find ur bad guy before u meet the good one". Then the bad guy came, gave her tissue bla bla, until the truth is revealed.
What i'm trying to say is, love is gambling. Maybe u can find the right person in ur first time lover but maybe u wouldn't. Founded by love is better than u find ur love. I already have my love now, and he found me.

06 Juli 2009

He Breaks the Curse

Eventually, today is not a really good day for me. I'm starting it with snoozed my alarm 5 times (because my friend text me that the meeting was pending until 11am) it was happen until my driver came to my house in condition i just realize that he has to pick me up.. bwehehe.. I get a shower, then i do make up, bla bla bla, went to my mom's office dropped her lunch and straight to Balai Kartini. I thought i was late, but i didn't. We start the meeting and the bla and the bla and the bla.. the result is, i'm bitching all the time. After the meeting, i have to meet one of my girls at plaza semanggi, i went there with my classmates. She has a broken heart, trully medley deeply. I'm trying to be as cheap as i can for her. I cannot stand to see a girl with dark, blue, lame heart because of a boy. I feel sorry for her because she met a jerk in her life. But i'm also sorry for my self because her experience open my past in a glance. We both almost crying, but it cured with four foreign guys which are sat behind us. hihihihihi. The stupiest thing is, my cell phone's battery is low, then i charged it in someone else table, after waiting for almost two hours i just found out that the battery was not charging.. arrghhh!!! I also had clash with my friend, well,,, actually it's just a missunderstanding between us. But i wont say an apologizing. I left plaza semanggi on 5 pm, before we walking around and bought a bag and shoes, damn!! I hate when those things are tempting!! When arrived on campus, there was only 6 people in class, what a huge class. This is the most exciting part,, i text my bf that i will come to his office after class, so we can go home together. U know what?! He calls me, he ask me to go out with him, we will watching a movie at the cinema. Whew,, my heart is blooming in a second. He's a perfect desert for my day, he breaks the bad cursed for my long day. Love u pipi

05 Juli 2009

my boo boo

PIPI!!! I always called him like that, it is lovely bunchy munchy nickname for my boo-boo. I love him more and more everyday. Today, i was visiting him and i found him sitting on his chair and playing football manager or what(i dunno the name). I continuing made my laptop soft case beside him. Somehow, i got tired then i went to his bedroom, taking his iPod and watching "Quantum Leaps" serial. I lay down on his bed and plugging the headset to my ear. About 30 minutes, my bf enter the room and he slept beside me, guess what?!! He's sleeping!! And snoring too!! Oh my gosh,, very annoying, i tried to increase the volume but his noise is won. I'm trying to keep on that room for an hour, but the sound makes me wanna die, i stand up and leave the room. I went back to the living room and trying to online. But then again, suddenly he's following me, oh man. I cannot stand to see his baby face, then he ask me to go home, i said okay. i o really want to kiss him right on his lips, but i' too busy with my YM, heheh.. I know he knows i love him and i know he loves me too (more than me sumtime)..

02 Juli 2009

Nyokap yang stress

Nyokap gw stress pas liat rambut gw yang bondol ini mulai numbuh tapi kok ga keriting lagi. Hahaha... Rambut gw aslinya kriting ikal dan panjang banget trus gw potong, potong lagi dan akhirnya suatu saat gw terpengaruh melihat temen gw yang bondol. Temen gw rambutnya juga kriting, tapi ga ikal, pas liat dy bondol dan hasilnya keren, gw iri dan pengen coba. Akhirnya kupotong rambutku yang kriting sexy itu menjadi pendek bondol ala demi moore di film GHOST. Nyokap gw ga keberatan waktu gw memutuskan memangkas habis rambut gw. Tapi dua hari yang lalu nyokap nanya "ade, kok rambut kamu numbuhnya ga kriting lagi?" Seharusnya, rambut kaya gw, biar katanya numbuh 4 cm udah kribo2 kaya brokoli, tapi tyt ga sama skali,, gw juga agak worry seh, secara gw juga suka sama rambut kriting gw itu,, tapi kocak aja liat nyokap stress dan mulai riweh "pokoknya pake terus conditionernya, trus kalo sisiran jangan pake sisir rapet, pake sisir yang jarang2 supaya kriwel lagi". "Baiklah buuuu!!! Siap!!!" Hahaha..

01 Juli 2009

sticky day

Kemaren tanggal 30 Juni, cowo gw manggung di PRJ. Gw ke PRJ janjian sm temen gw si suci a.k.a pacarnya drummernya laki gw. Gw janjian sm suci di blok m, karna dy kerja dulu. Jam 6 kita berangkat naik transjakarta terminal blok m, kita sangat sadar kalo jam segitu jalanan lagi asik-asiknya tuh,, tapi yang kita sebelinnya adalah terminal busway ga ada ACnya,, yeah yeah what do u expect yah. Gw udah mulai pusing dengan keadaan yang sumpek, dan smua aroma dari tubuh-tubuh lelah itu berhamburan ke udara bebas yang cuma beberapa meter persegi itu. Belum lagi di depan gw ada anak kecil bawel banget nyayiin lagu aneh "Garuda di dadakan!!" WTF? Udah gitu, 15 menit kita nunggu bus berikutnya ga dateng-dateng, pas ada yang kosong eh mlengos aje. Nunggu lagi deh sampe bus kedua, baru bisa masuk, itu juga perjuangan banget, didorong dari belakang sampe perut gw kena tas orang. Di dalem transjakarta gw sm suci la la li li bergosip ria dan menikmati susaana luar jam 6 sore Jakarta,, secara kita bedua berdiri. Nyampe di terminal Harmoni,, kekacauan terjadi, kita gatau arah mau kmana, mas2 transjakartanya bodoh karna jawab pertanyaan kita ga asik bgt, alhasil gw marah-marah. Lalu kita ikut nyempil berbaris di jurusan pulo gadung. Gw sama suci sempil2an dengan melihat lautan manusia dengan suasana yang sama seperti di blok m, kita bedua hampir nangis karena beberapa orang gak sengaja bersentuhan kulit dengan kita. Can u imagine kulit mereka yang lengket dan agak-agak basah kena kulit gue? awch!!! so fucking shit!! Akhirnya suci ga tahan dan bilang "Sar, kita naik taksi aja yah" dan gw mengiyakan dengan senangnya. Pas naik taksi, kita bedua langsung mengeluarkan tissue basah dan mulai membasuh muka, tangan sampe kaki karena kejadian lengket2an tadi. Belom sampe PRJ, kru-nya laki gw (yuzar) nelponin, karena DS manggung sebentar lagih. Di PRJ kita susah banget nyari pintu G, sampe2 pak sopir taksi turun dari taksi nanya2 orang sekitar. Akhirnya ketemu juga arahnya, itu juga terjadi pas gw yang nanya pak satpam dengan lirikan maut gue. Baru masuk gerbang, yuzar udah nelponin lagi kita disuruh turun dari taksi dan jalan kaki supaya cepet. Yaudah deh gw sm suci lari2an,, jauh pula. Pas nyampe gw dikasih free pass sama yuzar. Kita bertiga menuju tenda khusus DS, baru aja masuk tenda, kita bedua udah nyerocos kaya orang gila dan mulai heboh menceritakan kejadian tadi, Smua orang di tenda cm bisa heran liatin kita bedua yang ngoceh mulu, Choki dengerin kita sampe kpalanya miring2, hahaha. Yaudah deh kita minum air putih, ngemil Taro dan gw mulai ngerokok2. DS manggung bla bla bla.. seru banget, trus ketemu mba Yayas, kita mulai bergosip la la li li,, lihat toko kanan kiri, muter2 PRJ trus nyari tempat makan. DI tempat kita makan gw pesen soto ayam,, hebat banget tuh soto, rasanya hambar,, bener2 ga brasa even gw minta garem pun tetep ga brasa, padahal kepala udah sakit kaya apaan tau,, Gw dan laki gw pulangnya nebeng Choki, kita nebeng sampe rumahnya. Gw gamau turun krumahnya sebelum anjingnya yang ganas itu masuk rumah, hahaha, abis itu nungguin laki gw pipis. Pas mau nyari taksi, gw ktemu induk kucing lagi hamil sambil nemenin dua anaknya yang masih umur sebulanan, pengen gw bawa pulang smuanya tapi ga dikasih sm laki gw. Akhirnya hanya ku elus2 saja. Di taksi kita bedua berpelukan karena udah capek banget (apalagi gue). Sampe rumah gw menyambangi kandang kucing gw si Tobiko dan mulai mengganti makanan dan membersihkan pupupnya. Abis itu gw mandi dan tidak lupa keramas,, hari ini gw body scrub mengingat gw sangat higienis,, hahah what a stcicky day...